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The baptized muse : early Christian poetry as cultural authority
ISBN: 0198726481 9780198726487 0191793299 0191039950 0192517228 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford Oxford Univ Press

Adrian's Introduction to the Divine Scriptures : an Antiochene Handbook for Scriptural Interpretation
ISBN: 9780198703624 0198703627 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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Adrian likely flourished in the early fifth century. His sole-surviving work is the Introduction to the Divine Scriptures, a Greek treatise that today survives in two recensions. The central topic of the Introduction is the Septuagint's odd stylistic features. In the first section Adrian catalogs the anthropomorphic ways in which God is portrayed in Scripture (the Psalms in particular) and then explains how such expressions ought to be understood. The second section on diction identifies peculiar word usages, offers lexicographical analyses of semantically rich terms, and discusses a handful of tropes. The third section on word arrangement contains a short list of figures of speech. The treatise concludes with a series of appendices: a catalog of twenty-two tropes, defined and illustrated from Scripture, a two-fold classification of Scripture into prophetic and narratival literature, an extended excursus on how teachers should instruct beginners in scriptural interpretation, and, finally, another classification of Scripture into prose and poetry.The Introduction contains striking verbal and thematic affinities with the exegetical writings Theodore of Mopsuestia (ca. 350-428). This treatise also occupies a unique place in Antiochene scholarship: it is the only surviving handbook on scriptural interpretation from the leading fourth and fifth century figures of this tradition and succinctly codifies many of its guiding principles for scriptural exegesis. This volume offers the first critical edition of the Introduction (its two surviving recensions and the fragments from the exegetical catenae); the first English translation of the treatise, which is also richly annotated with explanatory commentary; a substantial prefatory study that orients readers to Adrian and a number of the important features of his work.

Origen : on first principles
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780199684021 0199684022 9780198797111 0198797117 9780198797128 0198797125 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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"On First Principles by Origen of Alexandria, written around 220-230 AD, is one of the most important and contentious works of early Christianity. It provoked controversy when written, provoked further debate when translated into Latin by Rufinus in the fourth century, and was the subject, together with its author, of condemnation in the sixth century. As a result, the work no longer survives intact in the original Greek. We only have the complete work in the Latin translation of Rufinus, and a few extensive passages preserved in Greek by being excerpted into the Philokalia of Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus."--

La valeur du baptême chez les Pères apostoliques : cas du Pasteur d'Hermas
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ISBN: 9782343115252 2343115257 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris L'Harmattan

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La démarche de la pensée d'Hermas exclut du salut toute personne qui ne porte pas le sceau baptismal. Cette marque est bien une nécessité qui doit être recherchée par toute personne désireuse de recevoir le salut car c'est le cela qui autorise l'élu à se présenter devant la tour en construction pour que les "vierges" le mènent à sa place dans la tour. Hermas demeure formel et se fait ici prophète de cette théorie qu'il rend obligatoire par le pasteur dans l'explication des différentes allégories concernant la tour eschatologique dans la Sim. Il y évoque certains passages qui montrent le caractère sacré du sceau baptismal.

Accommodating the Individual : Identity and Control after Alexander
ISBN: 9783946317142 3946317146 3946317839 Year: 2017 Publisher: Heidelberg Verlag Antike

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How did the Greeks respond to the experiences of uncertainty that they so acutely made in the aftermath of Alexander the Great's world-changing conquest of the Persian Empire? How were old values upheld and reshaped? And how did the societies of Greek cities and royal courts accommodate the overwhelming newfound power of Greek individuals? By developing a custom methodology, this book tries to shed new light on the complex textuality of the period of the Diadochi, the successors of Alexander. In four case studies, new readings are presented of Theophrastus Characters and Xenophon's Cyropaedia, but also of the substantial early Hellenistic anecdotal material, as well as the Colossus of Rhodes. The studies are united by an interest in how these texts cast the relationships between individuals and how they constructed various media of interrelation, such as money, friendship, women and the divine. Reading these texts on these terms reveals how values were renegotiated through paradoxes and inverted stories that subtly reshaped the utopias of the 4th century BCE. Overall, the study's hypothesis is that this particular brand of social storytelling contributed to the stabilisation of the nascent Hellenistic world by providing new visions of society capable of accommodating individual power and offering a new sense of control and place.


Alexander, --- 323-276 B.C. --- Macedonia --- Europe --- History

Écriture et tradition chez les Pères de l'Église
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782503569550 2503569552 Year: 2017 Volume: 17 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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L’exégèse scientifique de la Bible et l’étude des Pères ont été longtemps considérées comme deux disciplines indépendantes l’une de l’autre. Le colloque qui s’est tenu à l’Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge de Paris en 2013 – a au contraire montré que les exégètes ne peuvent plus négliger l’apport de l’exégèse patristique, tandis que les historiens qui s’occupent de l’herméneutique des Pères de l’Église ne peuvent que profiter des résultats de la science biblique. Les spécialistes de ces deux champs sont appelés à ne pas rester isolés dans leur propre domaine, mais à développer une vraie synergia scientifique.Ce volume constitue les actes de ce colloque. Deux études d’ensemble (dues à Y.-M. BLANCHARD et R. BURNET) encadrent un riche ensemble d’articles consacrés à des péricopes ou personnages bibliques (Elie, Mt 10,23, prologue de Jean), à des écoles ou des milieux théologiques particuliers (exégètes antiochiens, Ephrem le Syrien, Pseudo-Chrysostomica, Cappadociens, Evagre le Pontique, Photios), ainsi qu’à l’hymnographie byzantine.

Le livre scellé
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503577005 2503577008 Year: 2017 Volume: 18 2 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Ce volume est issu du séminaire qui accompagne le développement du projet BIBLINDEX, dont l’objectif est la constitution d’ un index des citations et allusions bibliques présentes dans les textes chrétiens de l’ Antiquité tardive et de ses prolongements médiévaux.Après trois études principalement consacrées à Origène, le lecteur pourra découvrir un système de numérotation scripturaire proposé par Basile de Césarée, et, avec les Pères grecs, se demander ce qu’est devenu l’apôtre Mathias, ou encore si la notion de « prologue » johannique est pertinente. Lui sera alors présenté un parcours mettant en évidence la typologie du « Christ-Frère », puis une enquête sur la « chambre nuptiale » de Mt 25, 10. Les trois derniers chapitres portent sur le monde latin : l’usage des deutérocanoniques par Hilaire de Poitiers ; puis deux études, sur Augustin et Isidore de Séville, exploitant méthodiquement les citations bibliques.Ainsi, ce recueil rassemble des études variées, qui donnent à voir les richesses de la lecture patristique des Ecritures et la diversité des méthodes modernes employées pour les mettre au jour. Nous sommes là au cœur des objectifs de Biblindex : entr’ouvrir, à l’aide des clefs que les Pères nous ont laissées, le livre scellé des Ecritures.

Knowledge, Language and Intellection from Origen to Gregory Nazianzen : A Selective Survey
ISBN: 9783631731116 9783631731093 3631731094 9783631731109 9783631731123 3631731116 3631731108 Year: 2017 Volume: 18 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang

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Epistemological theories of the patristic authors seldom attract attention of the researchers. This unfortunate status quo contrasts with a crucial place of the theory of knowledge in the thought of such prominent authors as Origen and the Cappadocian fathers. This book surveys the patristic epistemological discourse in its various settings. In the context of the Church history it revolves around the Eunomian controversy, Eunomius' language theory and Gregory Nazianzen's cognitive theory, where the ideas of Apostle Paul were creatively combined with the Peripatetic teaching. In the framework of Biblical exegesis, it touches upon the issues of the textual criticism of the Homeric and Jewish scholarship, which had significantly shaped Origen's paradigm of the Biblical studies.

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